A serving of Beans a day keeps the everything yucky away...
There is nothing beans cannot fix. Magical or not, these mighty little powerhouses contain all the stuff we need to get through the day on a plant-based diet. Fiber, Protein, Magnesium, Iron, supports Diabetes, heart health, and weight loss…. what doesn’t beans do again!?
Ideally, soak beans overnight, as it will be easier to digest and quicker to cook. In an instant, just pop open a can of beans from the cupboard. Just remember to try to save that golden liquid, recently dubbed Aquafaba, it truly works wonders in baking as an egg replacement.
And if theres anything I’ve learned over my 10 year vegan run, is that you should ABS, Always Be Soaking…
Some tips to get your beans in daily:
Start your day with a smear of hummus on toast or a wrap, use it in place of mayo in any kind of sandwich
Snack on a quick chickpea “tuna” with seedy crackers and crudité or even a lentil “chopped liver”
Make a quick bean stew or soup to ground your day, keep in the fridge and eat throughout the week when you just cant seem to figure out what to eat.
For dinner, smash some beans with some pasta water, oil herbs and spices for a super creamy pasta
It’s that simple, a serving of beans a day, keeps every health problem away… isn’t that how the saying goes!?